La foto gallery de "Il drago invisibile", il film Disney che potrai vincere con LongTake!

Con LongTake avrai biglietti omaggio per andare a vedere il nuovo film Disney Il drago invisibile, dal 10 agosto in sala.

Seguici sui nostri canali e dal 27 luglio potrai ottenere il biglietto omaggi (a breve troverai tutte le info per approfittare di questa imperdibile offerta): intanto, per ingannare l’attesa, qualche immagine tratta dal film.

PETE'S DRAGON is the adventure of a boy named Pete (Oakes Fegley) and his best friend Elliott, who just happens to be a dragon.

Oakes Fegley is Pete and Oona Laurence is Natalie in Disney's PETE'S DRAGON, the story of a boy named Pete and his best friend Elliot, who just happens to be a dragon.

Oakes Fegley is Pete in Disney's PETE'S DRAGON, the story of a boy named Pete and his best friend Elliot, who just happens to be a dragon.

Bryce Dallas Howard is Grace in Disney's PETE'S DRAGON, the adventure of a boy named Pete and his best friend Elliot, who just happens to be a dragon.

Robert Redford is Mr. Meacham in Disney's PETE'S DRAGON, the adventures of a boy named Pete and his best friend Elliot, who just happens to be a dragon.

Robert Redford is Mr. Meacham, an old wood carver who delights local children with tales of the fierce dragon that resides deep in the woods nearby in Disney's PETE'S DRAGON.

Bryce Dallas Howard is Grace in Disney's PETE'S DRAGON, the adventure of an orphaned boy and his best friend Elliott, who just so happens to be a dragon.

Bryce Dallas Howard is Grace and Robert Redford is Mr. Meacham in Disney's PETE'S DRAGON, the adventure of a boy named Pete and his best friend Elliot, who just happens to be a dragon.

Robert Redford is Mr. Meacham, an old wood carver who delights local children with tales of the fierce dragon that resides deep in the woods nearby in Disney's PETE'S DRAGON.

Bryce Dallas Howard is Grace and Oakes Fegley is Pete in Disney's PETE'S DRAGON, the adventure of an orphaned boy and his best friend Elliott, who just so happens to be a dragon.

Bryce Dallas Howard is Grace in Disney's PETE'S DRAGON, the adventure of a boy named Pete and his best friend Elliot, who just happens to be a dragon.



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